Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thank You Mr. President

Thank You President Obama. 

You have taught us several very important lessons in community action and mobilization. You have shown us how to leverage technology to organize and communicate. To share common beliefs and interests. To articulate our beliefs and concerns as a unified voice. To think globally but execute locally.

Historically, we are terrible at this kinda stuff. We're not really good at standing up, carrying banners, organizing, speaking out. We're really not natural social activists. Because of that, we are portrayed as technically illiterate, uneducated, and subservient to the more "enlightened" social progressives. 

No more. We get it.

April 15th, 2009 - National Tea Party Day.

A quarter of a million people (or more) in organized protests across the country, expressing their dissent with the reckless spending, invasion of private enterprise, globalization of our currency, and exponential debt explosion. All perpetuated by a new administration and congress in less than 90 days.

How did we organize so quickly? 

We study. 
We watch. 
We learn.

This was just the alpha test. 
We're not ready for beta just yet but we'll be there soon.
We'll keep you posted.

Thank you Mr. President.